30.03.2021 - 15.11.2021 (Week 1 - Week 14)

Chaw Zhi Ting (0347344) 
Bachelor of Design (Hons) Creative Media
Advanced Typography // Final compilation & Reflection




23.08.2021 - 31.09.2021 (Week 1 - Week 5)


Figure 1.0 Final Axial System.jpg, 3rd Sept 2021

Figure 1.1 Final Radial System.jpg, 3rd Sept 2021

Figure 1.2 Final Dilatational System.jpg, 3rd Sept 2021
Figure 1.3 Final Random System.jpg, 3rd Sept 2021

Figure 1.4 Final Grid System.jpg, 3rd Sept 2021

Figure 1.5 Final Transitional System.jpg, 3rd Sept 2021

Figure 1.6 Final Modular System.jpg, 3rd Sept 2021

Figure 1.7 Final Bilateral System.jpg, 3rd Sept 2021
Figure 1.8 Final Typographic System Submission.pdf, 3rd Sept 2021
Figure 1.9 Final Submission with gridline.pdf, 3rd Sept 2021

EXERCISE 2 [PART 1]: TYPE & PLAY (18 hours)

Figure 2.0 Original source image (Macaroni), 6th Sept 2021

Figure 2.1 Finding type in macaroni, 6th Sept 2021
Figure 2.2 Extraction and outline of macaroni type, 7th Sept 2021

Figure 2.3 Final "v". jpg, 18th Sept 2021
Figure 2.4 Final "c". jpg, 18th Sept 2021

Figure 2.5 Final "a". jpg, 18th Sept 2021

Figure 2.6 Final "p". jpg, 18th Sept 2021

Figure 2.7 Final Macaroni Type, 18th Sept 2021

Figure 2.8 Macaroni Type Display, 18th Sept 2021

Figure 2.9 Final Macaroni Type.pdf, 18th Sept 2021

EXERCISE 2 [PART 2]: TYPE & IMAGE (25 hours)
Figure 3.0 Final Burger Type and Image.jpg, 20th Sept 2021
Figure 3.1 Final Burger Type and Image.pdf, 20th Sept 2021
20.09.2021 -11.10.2021 (Week 5-Week 8)

TASK 2 (A): KEY ARTWORK (12 Hours)
Figure 4.0 Final Key artwork [B &W version], 4th Oct 2021

Figure 4.1 Final Key artwork [Coloured version], 4th Oct 2021

Figure 4.2 Key artwork Sticker, 11th Oct 2021

Figure 4.3 Key artwork Signage, 11th Oct 2021

Figure 4.4 Key artwork Flay Lay, 11th Oct 2021

Figure 4.5 Key artwork Submission.pdf, 11th Oct 2021

Occupation: Kindergarten teacher
Organiser: Janice Chaw
Event lanch: JanCloud (a virtual playland) launching event 
Slogan: Explore, Connect & Have Fun!

Figure 4.6 Final poster design, 15th Oct 2021

Figure 4.7 Final Invitation GIF, 15th Oct 2021

Figure 4.8 Water bottle collateral, 15th Oct 2021

Figure 4.9 Goodie bag collateral, 15th Oct 2021

Figure 4.10 Flat lay, 15th Oct 2021

Figure 4.11 Final Task 2B.pdf, 15th Oct 2021


Figure 4.12 Final Task 2A &2B.jpg, 15th Oct 2021

Figure 4.13 Final Task 2A &2B.pdf, 15th Oct 2021

18.10.2021 -15.11.2021 (Week 9-Week 13)

Part A: Type Design (18 hours) 

Figure 4.0 Final Macaroni Type, 13th Nov 2021

Figure 5.0 Final Macaroni Type with baseline, 13th Nov 2021

Figure 5.1 Final Macaroni Type,pdf, 13th Nov 2021
Part B: Collateral  (20 hours)

Figure 5.2 Final Macaroni signage & wall feature, 13th Nov 2021

Figure 5.3 Final Macaroni Menu design, 13th Nov 2021

Figure 5.4 Final Macaroni Apron, 13th Nov 2021

Figure 5.5 Final Macaroni Bento box, 13th Nov 2021

Figure 5.6 Final Macaroni Flat Lay, 13th Nov 2021

Figure 5.7 Final Macaroni Collateral.pdf, 13th Nov 2021


Time flies. In a blink of an eye, 14 weeks have almost come to an end. It was a satisfying journey when to learning about typography deeper. The tasks for this semester were more challenging and complex compared to the previous semester. The flexibility of the task allows us to be more experimental. At the same time, we put more hard work into planning the project to work within our time. Besides, I truly appreciated the constructive feedback given by the lecturers and their words of encouragement. Sometimes, I felt demotivated when the outcome did not turn out what I expected. With the help of the lecturer and peer's advice, I could identify what to improve from a 3rd person perspective. However, Mr.Vinod always thought us to be more sensitive and independent to evaluate our work, which I think I will need to further improve on looking at 'a designer view'. Truthfully, it was a tough semester, but it was still manageable with regular self-discipline and motivation.
I observed the timeline and topic for the task are slightly different from the MIB this time. However, it is a good sign that the lecturer did suitably adjustable according to our batch progress. For the content, instead of telling us what to do directly, it allows us room to explore and choose the theme that we are preferred. It was an excellent opportunity to define our style and discover which sector we are more interested in in the future (exp: task 2 key art & collateral). I enjoyed doing the task most, although it might be challenging to start everything from scratch. However, I think it's a good chance for us to do projects that can be applied in real life.
Time management was a valuable takeaway from this semester as the project task is heavier than the previous one. We needed to be independent in tracking our progress while improving the designing part. Besides, it is time to stop being too dependent on the lecturer's feedback. Instead, we need to behave critical thinking skills to analyze the work we did. It is also essential to pay attention to the design industry around us and read more about design topics. This could help us to keep upgrading ourselves and be aware of the latest trend.


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