03.05.2021//Week 6

Chaw Zhi Ting (0347344) 
Bachelor of Design (Hons) Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging

Today, Mr. Fauzi briefed us on detail for Public Service Announcement poster project. Before we start designing, research is always the key things to remember. Then, we are encouraged to look for sample poster to create a moodboard. This step enable to help us define the style of design and colour choice. After compiling the information, we were to write a summary of the topic with introduction and content in the template provide. With the key points we can then proceed and develop to title, slogan and call to action.

From this video, we learned how to recolour a black and white photo step by step. Using the famous tool in Photoshop which is the brush tool, it started to recolour from the skin, the hair, eyes then the shirt. All of this effect couldn't be done without using blending modes and masks.


PART 1// Recoloring Black and White 

Before starting to recolour the image given, I decided to search on a reference picture to get my ideal colour palatte. I looked through Pinterest and decided to use this colours on my recoloring exercise. Then starting from the skin, eyes and hair. I wanted her to look modern and natural. 

Figure 1.0 Forming colour palette from reference, 3rd of May 2021

Figure 1.1 Original image, 3rd of May 2021

Figure 1.2 Skin and , 3rd of May 2021

After applying the background, I decided to put on some blushes effect to make it more natural. Then by adjusting the opacity of the coloured layers and curve to improve the contrast, it became more realistic as shown (Figure 1.4).

Figure 1.3 Masking the background , 3rd of May 2021
Figure 1.4 Final result of recolouring, 3rd of May 2021


Although it's a simple and direct exercise, I enjoyed and learned from the process. While using the brush tool, all we need is to focus and be very detailed on the edges to prevent it from spreading to other parts. Photoshop is indeed an amazing tool for photo editing! 


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