26.04.2021//Week 5

Chaw Zhi Ting (0347344) 
Bachelor of Design (Hons) Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging

Today we were introduced to poster design which plays an important role to convey the message to the target audience in a clear way. The information could be for advertising, branding and public service announcement. The power of posters in generating awareness on an issue or conveying a brand message and luring the audience into buying products or services is immense. We were briefed for the upcoming project which is poster design about Public Service Announcement (PSA)PSA aims to deliver message to raise awareness and changing public attitudes or behavior towards a social issue.

1. Research on Topics
    1. Study and gather all related information about the topic chosen
    2. Write a summary about the topic chosen
    3. Highlight the key points of the summary
    4. Define the Title > Slogan> Details> Call For Action

2. Defining concept 
  1. Create a section for each contents (Title, Slogan, Details & Call for Action) 
  2. Sketch your mock up poster
  3. Fill in with details
  4. Prototyping a PSA
  5. Draft the digital poster based on your sketch 
  6. Develop the composition techniques using Digital Photography & Graphic Design.
  7. Apply color, typography, textures & effects
  8. Finalize your design with color correction
3. Developing design projects
  1. Draft the digital poster based on your sketch
  2. Develop the composition techniques using Digital Photography & Graphic Design.
  3. Apply color, typography, textures & effects
  4. Finalize your design with color correction

    Figure 1.0  Example of PSA poster with photography and illustration, 26th April 2021
Figure 1.1  Example of PSA poster with the use of material, 26th April 2021

In this video, we learned about tools and techniques to quick selection tool to cut out 'Shazam'. After that, to make the character more believable, we inserting a Hearst mansion as the background. As the background is cool colour while Shazam's outfit is warm, we have to adjust it by using 'match colour' adjustment. Next, is to create a shadow effect and reflection of Shazam. Simple tips from Mr. Fauzi, we can use Filter>Distort>Ripple effect to make the reflections looks realistic.


From this exercise, we required to cut out Shazam from the poster given by using a quick selection tool and place it in Hearst Mansion. It was fun to look at Shazam's standing pose with his chewing gum. Then I experimented the colour matching by adjusting the hue and saturation to match the background. As the suit of Shazam is warm and bright, adjustment needs to be made to blend in the cool background. To make it more natural and realistic, shadows and reflection were added and Tadaa! The final outcome is done.

Figure 2.0 Process of Shazam cut out, 26th April 2021

Figure 2.1 Adjustment for colour and ripple effect for reflection, 26th April 2021

Figure 2.2 Final outcome of Hearst Mansion, 26th April 2021

For the second exercise, we had to come out with the photography of a full-body picture of ourselves. Then, replace Shazam from previous exercise. I tried to search for the photo album that I took previously and I found this picture where I took from an exhibition visit in Taiwan. By looking at the angle and proportion, I think this picture suits the criteria to be edit in Hearst Mansion.

Figure 2.3 Original picture of me, 26th April 2021

Figure 2.4 Comparison of adding hue adjustment, shadow and reflection, 26th April 2021

Figure 2.5 Final of 'My Reflection', 26th April 2021

Figure 2.6 Final submission for Hearst Mansion and my reflection, 26th April 2021

This exercise able us to put more attention to detail when masking the objects. We have to ensure the edges are smooth to make it look realistic. Besides, it was an amazing choice of background that would change the setting of the photos. It also creates a sense of harmony and unity by adding shadows, reflections, adjustment of hue and saturation.


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