12.04.2021//Week 3

Chaw Zhi Ting (0347344) 
Bachelor of Design (Hons) Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging 

Today we learned about tools in Photoshop. First is the Lasso tool, it's a great tool for selection. There are few more options which are Polygonal Lasso and Magnetic Lasso will automatically with an edge. Next, the pen tool which is more versatile can be used to create extremely precise shapes and paths, using manually placed anchor points. By looking at the demonstration by the lecturer, I think the pen tool is much easier and suitable for simple edges. Last, we learned about layering. This will help for non-destructive editing and suitable adjustments can be made by securing the original image.

Figure 1.0 The option for Lasso tool, 12th April 2021

Figure 1.1 The explanation and variation of pen tool, 12th April 2021

In this video, we learned how to create a digital composition by using Lasso tool, masking and layering and experimenting the composition within these image sources.

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In this task, we were required to come out with a digital collage with the given images. With the limited resources, we will need to think creatively to make the composition interesting. Creativity is important because it helps us look at problems and situations from a fresh perspective. To complete this task, we also need to master the use of Lasso tool and Pen tool to mask the objects. Practice makes perfect. In the beginning, I find this exercise quite hard as the selection tool will easily exit the edge. After trying a few attempts, the process became smoother and the edge becomes finer. For me, I prefer to use Pen Tool when it's is a large and solid object. When it comes to fine pattern edge such as the fish (Figure 2.0), I think the Polygonal Lasso tool will be the best choice. I realized the Magnetic Lasso Tool is suitable when the object and background have high contrast but the magnet is a little hard to control.

Figure 2.0 Before and after masking using magnetic lasso tool, 12th April 2021

Composition #1

Figure 2.1 First composition "Run away from the city", 14th April 2021

This composition aims to portray a peaceful and relaxing feeling. A place where humans can enjoy nature with underwater animals. Everything is going perfectly fine and they live a harmonious life. The inverted building also looks like a beautiful crystal of nature and the marine animal swimming freely. 

Composition #2

Figure 2.2 Second composition "Explore the outer space", 14th April 2021

The element of this picture is quite minimal but it creates a sense of mystery. With the use of the black and white stone texture given I created an illusion of outer space with some mountain rocks. This composition is about the story of a young city boy who is ready to explore the space full of excitement and curiosity. It will be an exciting journey for him.

Composition #3

Figure 2.3 Third composition "What's going on?", 14th April 2021

This composition portrays the feeling of uneasiness of the marine animal in this rapidly changing world. The world is no longer like before. The buildings were all upside-down and the pollutants that were happening around. He began to worry about the safety of the place where he stayed and what would happen next.  

Video 3.0 Progress record on masking and exploring the composition, 16th April 2021

To me, this task is challenging yet fun at the same time. I enjoyed masking the elements and figure out which elements suits the composition most. By practicing the use of the golden ratio and Rule of thirds, I think I had slowly understood how to create a visual hierarchy in an art piece. Besides, it was a great experience to mix and match considering the suitability of colours, sizes. This step is crucial to ensure harmony and contrast to gives a better visual impact. Lastly, a story behind each composition will help to give the audience a better understanding.


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