05.04.2021//Week 2

Chaw Zhi Ting (0347344) 
Bachelor of Design (Hons) Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging // Exercise 1

Mr. Fauzi started the class with feedback on last week progress. Then the lecture started with an introduction to the basic composition which we were taught about the focal point, scale and hierarchy, balance of elements and importance of white space that allow a design to breathe. I agreed with the use of white space in a design which acts as a great tool to balance the design elements and better organize content to improve visual communication.

Besides, I am impressed how Rule of Third can connect between subject and background through different techniques such as diagonal, frames, figure to ground, fill the frame, pattern and repetition. These rules are often used in photography and movie scene which we might not notice them before. Moreover, the Golden Ratio plays an important role in design to create harmony and proportion. I found this knowledge very useful to help us improve the composition of our future artwork and to improvise our pre-rendering physical collage. 

In this video, we learned step by step on how to create a physical collage. It's a very fun process and required a lot of try and error, creativity and exploration to get a best composition. 



For this exercise, we were encouraged to use the resources we have such as old magazines, brochure and flyers. I collected all of the items and start looking for awesome graphics or inspired words that I might use for compilation later.

Figure 3.0 Cutting interesting colour palette from one of the catalogue, 3th April 2021

Figure 3.1 Some of the cut outs and interesting wording from the magazines, 3th April 2021


Figure 3.3 Second try on the composition with same elements, 5th April 2021
Concept 1: “Designer Life”
This pre-composition aims to reflect my imagination of the life of becoming a designer in future. Working day and night to think of new ideas to deliver the best to my clients. I am trying to find my unique style to stand out of most. No matter how hard the future is, I will never give up pursuing my dreams and always remind myself to keep happy by appreciating little things in life. 2. PRE-COMPOSITION #2

Figure 3.4 Simplified version of the same concept, 5th April 2021
Concept 1.1: “Chasing Dreams”
This composition is to express my desire to pursue my dream in designing. By rearranging the cutouts in a more loose manner, it helps to create spaces in the collage. The colour picks are mostly bright colours which reflect happiness and positivity. Besides, I try to apply the golden ratio in this new composition by leading the eye from the top to bottom. 3. PRE-COMPOSITION #3
Figure 3.5 Played with different cutouts and concept, 8th April 2021
Concept 2: “The Survival Kits”
This pre-composition is about survival kits in this competitive working environment. Keeping the mind fresh is essential just like freshness after using the mouthwash. Work-life balance has always been emphasized as the saying goes ”Never get so busy to make a living that you forget to make a life.” To survive,  employees who are given high expectations should always explore new possibilities by unlocking their hidden talents.

Figure 3.6 More simplified and direct message, 8th April 2021
Concept 2.1: “Morning Vibes”
With the same concept, this pre-composition is more simplified and I tried to apply the rule of third in it. I found it interesting to turn the omelette and popiah into a sun which gives warmth and fresh morning vibes. Followed by the word ”Just go on” aims to motivate people to move on every day with a simple breakfast. Life might be tough but most importantly to start our day with a fresh healthy mind!

Figure 3.7 Final pdf submission, 8th April 2021

I showed Mr. Fauzi my progress for this week (Figure 3.3), he commented the overall contrast is good, words and elements are cool to convey the message. Improvement can be made by cutting some of the images according to shape, try not to keep them square. Moreover, the jet and penguin can try for another composition as they can be a different theme. Try applying the rule of third and golden ratio as well, starting with the background first, then slowly add elements like a magnet to creates unity.

"That's a good work in progress. I hope you've learned something from the process of this exercises. I gotta says, the COMPOSITION #4 is the most outstanding! You may start to glue it and wait to submit it later on WEEK 3. Thanks!" - Mr Fauzi


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