Major Project

28.08.2023 - 09.12.2023 (Week 1- Week 15)

Chaw Zhi Ting (0347344) 
Bachelor of Design (Hons) Creative Media
Major Project


Week 1 
On the first day of class, we were given an overview of the Major Project, which is an individual project that we can work on either as a commercial project, a project inspired by our design dissertation, or a brand-new project. The project is due in 14 weeks, and we are required to start brainstorming for our project ideas and pitch them to the class next week.

The project must meet the following learning outcomes:
-Demonstrate the ability to independently research and develop a project idea
-Apply the principles of design thinking to solve a simple or a real-world problem or problem 
-Communicate the project's goals and objectives to stakeholders
We are encouraged to be creative and innovative in our project ideas, and we will receive guidance and support from our respective supervisors throughout the project.

Week 2
I suggested 3 ideas for my project, self discovery, weather and mood, and unleashing inner child.

Mr. Asrizal suggested that I should work on the first idea (Self-discovery). He advised me to extend my research on the definition of self-discovery and collect more data and information about imposter syndrome to support the concept. He also suggested I start searching what has been done in the market regarding this topic and theme. 

I continued expanding my research on self-discovery by looking at the types of aspects through journal articles. After researching more about it, I refined the details of the proposal. 
Week 2_Major Project Progression
Week 3
I dedicated attention to the empathy stage of the project. This involved extracting vital insights obtained from relevant journal articles. Additionally, I took the initiative to craft survey questions and pinpoint potential interviewees.

Mr. Asrizal's comments provide a structured approach for measuring a campaign's success. This includes steps such as selecting a suitable career path, targeting university students, creating an aligned persona, considering various life stages, and engaging with the audience's likes and dislikes. It's also crucial to understand where the target audience spends their weekends and their preferred social media platforms. Campus involvement and user-generated content are emphasized for effective outreach. 
Week 3_Major Project Progression 

Week 4
After careful consideration and further study of the topic, I recognized that my initial project direction was veering more toward psychology than the creative realm. This realization prompted me to reassess the subject matter for my final year project. I embarked on brainstorming new ideas that would be more feasible and captivating in terms of execution.

During this contemplative process, the notion of involving The Decoris, an online jewelry brand, in my project emerged. The founder of this jewelry shop had initially reached out to me for tasks such as redesigning their logo and creating thank-you cards and stickers. Given this existing connection, I identified a valuable opportunity to propose a collaboration with her as an integral part of my project.

After obtaining Mr. Asrizal's approval, I initiated communication with Emelyn from The Decoris, and she enthusiastically agreed to participate in my final year project (FYP). To acquire more in-depth information about her business and gain valuable insights, I conducted an email interview with her. The goal of this interview was to provide a comprehensive understanding of her business and its operations. Subsequently, I analyzed her responses to uncover any hidden potential needs of the client. Additionally, a SWOT analysis was performed to better comprehend the brand's positioning among its competitors. This process proved instrumental in helping me identify potential campaign opportunities and collaboration prospects.
Week 4_Major Project Progression 

Week 5
This week, I delved deeper into self-awareness and self-discovery topics through extensive research in journal articles. Simultaneously, I focused on refining the brand strategy and aiding The.Decoris in constructing a comprehensive brand profile. This multifaceted process encompasses crafting a compelling brand story and developing key components, including the big idea, positioning statement, vision, mission, target audience, brand values, tone of voice, brand touchpoints, and a customer journey map.

In conjunction with these strategic efforts, I presented a series of marketing campaigns aimed at promoting the brand and introducing its new identity. These proposed campaigns involve self-expression initiatives, love letter writing, the introduction of a "Bliss Box" (a blind box concept), designing a customization form, and establishing a pop-up customization corner.
Week 5 Major Project Proposal 

Week 6
I introduced another idea: integrating World Smile Day into our initiatives, which includes incorporating an Instagram contest to enhance customer engagement with the brand. All these suggestions are accompanied by visual representations for the client's review. After refining the proposal, I scheduled a meeting with the client to discuss it in detail.

Upon reviewing the proposals, the client expressed concerns that some campaigns may not be as attractive to her audience or followers. She is particularly inclined towards the idea of launching the Blind Box concept. Regarding the mood board and art direction, Emelyn expressed a preference for the first and second mood boards, which feature more pastel and neutral tones. She also contributed ideas for the campaign name, and after careful consideration, we collectively decided on 'A Moment of Bliss,' signifying a brief period of intense joy, happiness, or contentment. It suggests experiencing a serene and joyful state, often characterized by a sense of peace, satisfaction, or emotional well-being.

We also planned out the timeline for the upcoming weeks and divided tasks for the keychain collaboration. I am responsible for most of the designing and researching reliable suppliers to obtain quotations and material representations, while she designs the keychain beaded accessories that we will be selling during the campaign.
Week 6_The Decoris Review

Week 7 - Week 8
I started to craft brand presentations and shifted the focus to refining the idea of including DISC Personality. The idea of conveying self-discovery message through DISC model it's more achievable as this model is widely used by professionals.

In the realm of design, I continued the development of graphic materials for The Decoris, encompassing the packaging, stickers, and the mascot—a rabbit character designed with various postures specific to The Decoris. I further dedicated efforts to design symbols that effectively represent the DISC model and worked on crafting content for the DISC game. After considering numerous ideas, I ultimately settled on a Ludo game and card concept. Following the proposal of this idea, I conducted a brief test game with Mr. Asrizal, and the concept proved effective. The subsequent step involves adding designs for the game board, card deck, and game packaging boxes.

Week 9 -Week 10 
For The Decoris, the logo has received approval from the client, and I'm in the process of making minor adjustments to the colours of the thank you cards and greeting cards, replacing yellow and green with alternative colours. To ensure that design materials like acrylic keychains are prepared for online printing, I have finalized their designs. This allows me to seamlessly integrate them with the beaded accessories crafted by Emelyn for subsequent photography.

After confirming the sticker designs, I collaborated with Emelyn on selecting the designs she wanted to print. We decided to begin with the 8 main elements for now, leaving room to add more in the future. The logo stickers have also been sent out for online printing, specifically for the packaging mock-up and future business use.

As progress continues with some of the merchandise, I revisited the design of the DISC game board and action cards. In an effort to enhance player understanding, I've chosen to create a mini booklet that explains the DISC model and provides instructions for the game. This booklet will serve as a comprehensive guide for players. After a week, the DISC keychains have finally arrived. I manually attached them and photographed them, subsequently editing the photos with Photoshop to enhance their quality and remove the background. 
W9-W10 Design Progression

Week 11 
We held a formal presentation to offer an overview of our final proposal and present the latest progress on the project. I am pleased to report that our supervisors expressed overall satisfaction with my project, providing constructive feedback primarily focused on the legibility of the logo. Despite having shared the rationale behind the logo design, I have taken their comments into consideration and made adjustments to ensure a more balanced thickness for each letter. With these refinements in place, I have now commenced the creation of social media posts to effectively market the product.

W11 Major Project

Week 12 -
Week 13
Upon the client's request, I was assigned the responsibility of creating a jewelry care card for the product. I meticulously translated the instructions into icons and experimented with different sizes to ensure clarity and visual appeal. With the majority of the design elements now settled, I moved forward with conducting test prints for the cards, postcards, and badges. Additionally, I collaborated with Mr. Asrizal to finalize the description for the exhibition and determine the layout for the project compilation. As part of this process, I sought and obtained approval from the client, ensuring their satisfaction with the proposed designs before proceeding with final production. During this phase, minor revisions are required to address typographical errors, adjust font sizes, and conduct thorough file checks for the printing materials. These refinements aim to ensure the highest quality and precision in the final deliverables. 

Week 14
I shared an update with Mr. Asrizal regarding the test prints for a board game box. Simultaneously, I dedicated effort to enhancing the social media design. Constructive feedback from a lecturer underscored the importance of introducing more variation to effectively showcase how the product will be marketed. In response, the idea of transforming the social media design into a Christmas theme took shape. Subsequently, I illustrated key visuals with a Christmas concept, and initiated a photoshoot featuring the product with a festive Christmas tree backdrop. This approach aims to add a seasonal and engaging touch to the product presentation on social media

Week 15
In preparation for the final presentation, I am simultaneously updating the game feedback record and compiling the client's review. My efforts also extend to organizing materials and booth decorations, finalizing the cutting and packaging of postcards, badges, and keychains for sale. Additionally, I am crafting presentation slides and a looping animation to enhance the project showcase during the booth exhibition, aiming for a comprehensive and impactful conclusion to the project.

Major Project Design Progression


Project Title: A Self-Discovery Campaign with The Decoris: A Moment of Bliss

"A Moment of Bliss" is a collaborative project with The Decoris, an online jewelry brand that aims to tackle imposter syndrome, a common challenge among university students. The project introduces a unique DISC board game, inspired by Ludo, as a transformative tool for young adults, promoting self-understanding and personal growth.

The core idea is to create an immersive experience that combines gameplay with a DISC assessment, guiding young adults on a journey of self-discovery. The game unravels beads representing aspects of their unique personalities, making the process both enlightening and enjoyable.

The goal is to address imposter syndrome, empower young adults through improved self-understanding, and make the self-discovery process engaging. Simultaneously, the campaign aims to strengthen the connection between individuals and The Decoris, fostering a more meaningful and engaged community and boosting customer engagement.

The Decoris Rebranding:
Detailing The Decoris's business profile, brand guidelines, logo, typography, and color schemes became an integral part of the project. Aligning our visual language with theirs ensured a cohesive identity, enhancing the overall impact. The merchandise, including sticker packs, thank-you cards, and special-request birthday greeting cards, further deepened our collaboration.

DISC Product Design:
The heart of "A Moment of Bliss" lies in the DISC discovery game. Designing the game board, cards, info zine, and instruction manual became meticulous.

The merchandise lineup reflects our commitment to making a tangible impact. DISC badges with four different symbols, a Bliss Box adorned with Decoris (label design), and various items like stickers and thank-you cards amplify the immersive nature of the project. Each piece is designed not just as an accessory but as a tool for self-understanding and growth.
Final Video Presentation Slides, 9th Dec 2023
E-Project FlipBook, 8th-9th Dec 2023
Booth Design & Exhibition Day, 8th-9th Dec 2023

Undertaking the major project was an invaluable experience, providing an opportunity to apply learned skills and theories in a real-world context. As an individual-based project, it demanded a high level of responsibility and discipline, serving as a pivotal step in building our portfolios for the professional realm.

From the initial identification of the project issue to the exhibition day, the journey was both enjoyable and challenging. The freedom to select our topics and approach potential clients was a standout feature. The project's initial proposal phase presented the most significant challenge, necessitating extensive research and interviews to solidify the theme. Crafting various art directions, collaborating with the client, navigating budget constraints, and balancing feasibility with surpassing client expectations characterized the design phase. The production stage, marked by trial and error and meticulous planning for online orders, highlighted the project's practical aspects. Setting up and presenting the artwork during the exhibition brought satisfaction, with visitors expressing admiration for the innovative game concept derived from a personality test.

In the course of this Major Project, I challenged myself by taking on a rebranding project and initiating a campaign titled "A Moment of Bliss." It provided a unique opportunity to create a game by translating a personality test, aligning with my passion for self-discovery. It prompted a reflective journey, allowing me to rediscover my capabilities. The experience underscored the importance of self-awareness, recognizing that growth is an ongoing process, and fostering a deeper appreciation for oneself and others.

Throughout this process, I also gained insights into instant communication, collaborative working, and maintaining positive client relationships. Effective communication and having a contingency plan proved crucial as unforeseen circumstances arose. The project provided valuable lessons in creative thinking, design, client collaboration, and the practicalities of production. Exhibiting at the physical booth enhanced my communication skills as we interacted with visitors, explaining our project and how the game works.

In summary, the major project served as a multifaceted learning experience, integrating theoretical knowledge into practical application. Moving forward, the insights gained will inform future projects, emphasizing the need for adaptability, effective communication, and a continued commitment to personal and professional growth.


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