10.05.2021-24.05.2021//Week 7-Week 9

Chaw Zhi Ting (0347344) 
Bachelor of Design (Hons) Creative Media
Digital Photography and Imaging// Project 2B


This week research on topic: Refugees in Malaysia 

1. Study and gather all related information about the topic chosen
2. Write a summary about the topic chosen
3. Highlight the key points of the summary
4. Define the Title > Slogan> Details> Call For Action



Design for social good: 

Design for the Community project


Personal Volunteering Experience of Teaching Myanmar Refugee Kids (2019)
Myanmar Refugee Community Learning Centre (MRCLC), Kuchai Lama

Figure 1.0 Photos of teaching Myanmar Refugee kids, 2019

Before starting to design, I went through Google and Pinterest to search for inspiration and ideas. This is among the 3 design and style I will prefer to go with in my upcoming PSA poster design. The combination of photography and illustration and typography giving a strong message.

Figure 1.1 Three poster references, 3rd May 2021



Refugees have the fundamental right to live, to survive and to learn. However, most of the refugee children face immense challenges in getting access to education. In Malaysia, refugee children are denied access to the formal education system thus they obtain education via an informal educational system. 


Based on the info, within 150,379 people of concern, 23,823 that are of school-going ages but only 30% are enrolled in community learning centres. As such, refugee communities run their community-based learning centres without sustainable funds. Employing permanent teachers is challenging and many of these centres depended on public donations to deal with rental and utility costs.


Getting education would help refugee children feel a sense of normality and assist them in integrating with society. Incorporate with Sustainable Development Goal 4 which is quality education. We should empower refugees through education. Despite the enormous challenges posed by the pandemic, with greater support to refugees we can expand innovative ways to protect them in accessing education.


Education is a necessary step in every child’s development. This topic aims to spread awareness public by giving refugee children a chance to access education. Refugee parents often hope their children to be educated to live a better life. Therefore, it is important for public to support the physical infrastructure or needs of the community centres. Together, we can realise refugees dream and create a better future for them.

PART 2//Defining concept:

Highlighting key points from the research summary, I came out with some ideal titles, slogan and call for action.

Title: Survive to learn
  • Realizing refugees dream through education
  • Employing permanent teachers is challenging
  • Create a better future for refugees children
  • To survive and to learn *chosen
Slogan: Education is essential in every child's development
  • I am just a child with dreams
  • Be educated to live a better life 
  • Education is a necessary step in every child’s development *chosen
Call for action: Volunteer now to teach the refugees 
  • Donate you stationeries and books now
  • Support refugees now
  • Volunteer now to teach the refugees *chosen

PART 3//Developing design project:

Due to the pandemic, it is hard for us to take photos of refugees kids. So we can only utilize online resources to get the photography which fits my poster ideas. I searched for refugees kids with desire in their eyes, sadness emotion, drawing audience attention.

Figure 1.2 Refugee photography from Pinterest, 10th May 2021
 Figure 1.3 Idea sketches of refugee poster, 10th May 2021

After sketching some ideas, I realized there is lacking some visual elements to represent 'Education'. The idea popped out where I can take my own photographs of a book. I managed to find a slightly thick book and place it on my coffee table. With the glass texture, it creates a cool reflection of the book with I captured it with a low angle. 

Figure 1.4 Original book photography took by myself , 10th May 2021
Figure 1.6 Edited scene for poster , 10th May 2021
Figure 1.7 Masking using selection tool , 10th May 2021

Combining the photo I took an image from Pinterest, this composition aims to convey the message of a survivor of a refugee kid, peeking the outside world. She hoping to live a better life, to see the world by having the chance to learn. Besides, I added a window at the book to create a sense of light in the poster.

Figure 1.8 Draft design 1 , 10th May 2021

Figure 1.9 Draft design 2 , 10th May 2021

Both of the design seems to be more towards sad emotions. Then I decided to work on my third sketch and shorten the title to 'Survive to Learn'. This idea includes refugees silhouette climbing to fight for survival and their desire to learn. Besides, I have an idea of putting the slogan as the text in the book itself.

Figure 2.0 Book photography took by me, 12th May 2021

Figure 2.1 Another book photography took by myself, 12th May 2021

Figure 2.2 Portrait and elements from Pinterest, 12th May 2021

The setting of the background layer are simply an open book and wire mesh at the darker area. This is to represent the restriction and problems encounter by the refugees. The stairs symbolize a bridge connected to other world full of knowledge, and this is the only way to change their future.

Figure 2.3 Title and call for action design, 17th May 2021
Figure 2.4 Slogan design, 17th May 2021
Figure 2.5 Progress of composting the character in the poster, 17th May 2021
Figure 2.6 Adding illustration elements in design, 17th May 2021
Figure 2.7 Third poster design, 17th May 2021

After receiving feedback from Mr.Fauzi, I decided make some amendment on the poster and improve the typography design. I did further research from Pinterest.

Figure 2.8 Typography references, 24th May 2021
Figure 2.9 Process of designing new layout, 24th May 2021
Figure 3.0 Include own photography in the poster, 24th May 2021

Figure 3.1 Adding main element as a focus, 24th May 2021
Figure 3.2 Process of adding refugee image and overlay the background, 24th May 2021
Figure 3.3 Butterfly image from google, 24th May 2021

Figure 3.4 Masking and colour adjust of butterflies, 24th May 2021

Figure 3.5 Background texture element, 24th May 2021
Figure 3.6 Final design for refugee poster, 24th May 2021

Figure 3.7 Final PDF version, 24th May 2021

Title: Survive To Learn
 Refugees have the fundamental right to live, to survive and to learn. However, most of the refugee children face immense challenges in getting access to education. This poster design aims to reflect the situations of refugee children and portray their desire to learn, to change their lives. A girl is gazing out the window, trying to understand the world and wondering what will happen in the future. Like a normal child, she is full of curiosity and wishes to explore this wonderful world with knowledge. She knows that only education would change her life and helps her family to live better. Maybe someday, she could be a beautiful butterfly, flying freely and joyfully. The monochrome effects act as the contrast of the poster, reflecting the heartbroken memories that the refugee children went through. Hence, the public needs to support the rights of refugees by providing a safer place for them and a chance to learn. Together, we can help them to create a brighter future.


By studying this topic and doing researches, I have deepened my understanding of the challenges faced by the refugees, especially during this pandemic situation. The experience of volunteering in the Myanmar refugee centre made me more firmed on doing this 'education' topic. I remembered back then, the kids shared with me their stories and what went through in the past. Therefore, they were grateful and happy to see us, the volunteers come to teach and spent time with them. They were hoping to get the opportunity to learn and continue their studies but some of them were forced to work to raise the family. All they want and is to live a normal life and the opportunity to learn, to change their lives. It was indeed a meaningful project that how design plays an important role to deliver a message to the public.


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